Medical Student Rotation
Elective clerkships are a fundamental and valuable part of your medical education. Each year, Desert Regional Medical Center provides essential, hands-on clinical experiences and the opportunity to explore residency training at our institution.
Applications will start to be accepted January 1st, 2025 for 3rd year rotations and March 1st, 2025 for 4th year rotations.
Application Procedure and Requirements:
Your school must have an affiliation agreement on file with Tenet-Desert Regional Medical Center. Check with your school's officials to see if one is in place. If not, please send your school's point of contact information, including appropriate email and phone number to Erin.Garcia@vituity.com
A completed Medical Student Rotation Application
A completed Medical Student Health Screening Requirements Form. Please send your immunization records in addition to the health screening form. Please have this document verified and signed by your school official.
Current BLS/ACLS cards. Certifications must be American Heart Association issued.
A written statement indicating why you want to rotate in the emergency department. Please indicate what specialty you are planning on selecting as a career choice - no longer than one page.
Current photo ID (driver's license).
USMLE Step 1/COMLEX-1 score sheet. Multiple attempts are not accepted
We do not provide housing as part of our rotation, but we have several locals who rent out their vacation rentals at various times throughout the year. Please ask for contact information.
Please submit all completed documentation to:
Erin Garcia
Graduate Medical Education
Desert Regional Medical Center